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» pask
h0lg4dmin Voir le profil de l'utilisateur Messages: 4742 Localisation: Nice
Sam 01 Jan, 05 16:53, Répondre en citant
Bill schwab

h0lg4 /
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» goon
Voir le profil de l'utilisateur Messages: 5379 Localisation: Normandie
Sam 29 Oct, 05 13:55, Répondre en citant
j'allais le re-poster pi après recherche... Very Happy
magnifique boulot que ce Bill !!
» Soreal
Voir le profil de l'utilisateur Messages: 3740 Localisation: Haute Loire.
Sam 29 Oct, 05 15:10, Répondre en citant
On voit complètement dans ses photos qu'il a grandement été influencé par Mickael Kenna, normal, il a été son assistant, ce qui encore plus troublant, c'est quand on va sur le site de Kenna, je vous laisse voir à quel point c'est plus de l'influence mais presque du pastiche:
» Katharsis
Attentat Master Voir le profil de l'utilisateur Messages: 4468
Sam 29 Oct, 05 16:40, Répondre en citant
c'est vrai que la ressemblance est frappante
» Soreal
Voir le profil de l'utilisateur Messages: 3740 Localisation: Haute Loire.
Sam 29 Oct, 05 16:56, Répondre en citant
Bon, je me permets de corriger ce que j'ai dit plus haut, Monsieur Schwab n'a pas été l'assistant de Mickael kenna, j'ai fait une erreur et je m'en excuse, puisqu'il m'a lui même fait la remarque via un email que j'ai reçu, je suis donc encore désolé.... ce qui n'empêche que dire que leur travail se ressemble, et qu'il est de qualité bien evidemment.

Dernière édition par Soreal le Sam 29 Oct, 05 17:20; édité 2 fois
» pask
h0lg4dmin Voir le profil de l'utilisateur Messages: 4742 Localisation: Nice
Sam 29 Oct, 05 16:59, Répondre en citant
deja, de ressembler a du Kenna c'est plutot bon signe...meilleur que celui de ne ressembler a rien sans doute Mr. Green

h0lg4 /
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» billschwab
Voir le profil de l'utilisateur Messages: 15 Localisation: Detroit
Sam 29 Oct, 05 17:09, Répondre en citant
Please forgive my lack of the beautiful French language. I found this well done site via links to my server. I am most impressed by much of the work I see in here and I will be going deeper to look at more. Although I do not do much work with the Holga anymore, I do love the feel I get with it and continue to strive for that feeling with my other cameras.

Upon reading I must say I appreciate the link, but must clear a misconception by a previous poster. This Internet is too easy to spread rumor and misconception and it would be better if people did research before stating such things.

For the record... I am not, nor have I ever been one of Michael Kenna's assistants. Perhaps you may want to look to Rolfe Horne or William Scott, both very good photographers in their own right. Rolfe does follow Michael much in his style and freely admits this. Although Michael is a wonderful photographer and extremely kind person, I look more to pictorialists such as Karl Struss and William Dassonville among others if I am to specify whose work inspires mine.

Again... please forgive my english.

Thank you for your time!

Kind Regards,
Bill Schwab
» pask
h0lg4dmin Voir le profil de l'utilisateur Messages: 4742 Localisation: Nice
Sam 29 Oct, 05 17:23, Répondre en citant
thanks for your message Bill, you are welcome here on this cheap french forum.

Your work is stunning !

h0lg4 /
fb / Pro
» Soreal
Voir le profil de l'utilisateur Messages: 3740 Localisation: Haute Loire.
Sam 29 Oct, 05 17:24, Répondre en citant
Hi bill, i corrected my mistake, and i apologize again.
By the way, this mistake makes you come here, and that is a good news for our little gathering to see your interest.
» billschwab
Voir le profil de l'utilisateur Messages: 15 Localisation: Detroit
Sam 29 Oct, 05 17:51, Répondre en citant
Thank you Soreal for your post. I appreciate this. I hope I do not seem harsh, it is just strange to read things about you that are not true and cannot take credit for.

Also, the comparison to Michael is somewhat flattering. I cannot deny that I too use a square format and make my best images in very low light, I've been doing it all my life it seems. Being that Michael's work is so plentiful and widespread though tends to bring similar comparisons for many photographers. Through his enormous success he has become a focal point for those that know less of the depth of photographers working or passed. A Thomas Kinkade of the photography world so to speak -although using them in the same thought is almost sacrilegious. Much like many people will look at landscape photography and say that it looks like Ansel Adams. Look at Greg Seman, Chip Forelli, David Fokos, Chip Hooper, Sally Gall among many others. All draw comparisons to Michael's work, yet they are more contemporaries than students of his work. To me it seems more of a movement in photography, much like the group f64 or conceptualism, etc. Kind of a NeoPictorialism if you will. It too shall pass.

Thank you again Soreal. I enjoy speaking with other photographers and will continue to visit this site.

Bill Schwab
» billschwab
Voir le profil de l'utilisateur Messages: 15 Localisation: Detroit
Sam 29 Oct, 05 18:02, Répondre en citant
Hello Again Soreal,

Again, I apologize for my harsh statement.

However, as you said, I am VERY happy that this brought me to this community! I always enjoy dialog with other photographers and very much like to find sites such as this. Unfortunately I am speaking the wrong language for which I am truly sorry. Americans at this time in history are a little too concerned with themselves I believe and I do not want my lack of French to be taken in the wrong way. I am also afraid to use a translator program in that they always seem to butcher the language and lose the thought.

Nice work by the way! I have been looking at your site while posting.

All the Best,

» Soreal
Voir le profil de l'utilisateur Messages: 3740 Localisation: Haute Loire.
Sam 29 Oct, 05 18:10, Répondre en citant
Thanks Bill for your message, and i'm glad to see you're note angry with me, i was a little worried about it... Embarassed
And thanks again to have a look on my work. Very Happy
For the language, no worries, there's many people speaking english on the forum, so you're welcome here any time you want to come. Very Happy
» Christophe
Voir le profil de l'utilisateur Messages: 7010 Localisation: 95
Ven 23 Mar, 07 17:54, Répondre en citant



Nous construisons le monde, alors que nous pensons le percevoir (Paul Watzlawick)
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