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» maxime
Messages: 6274
Localisation: Paris |
Mar 29 Avr, 08 22:39, |
je suis fasciné par les sténopés que l'on peut voir sur internet au fil des heures que l'on passe à ne pas travailler
j'aurais souhaité qu'on ouvre ici même une gallerie de nos plus belles trouvailles.
je commence avec celui-ci, peut etre connu de certains d'entre vous :
Le Chamaeleon Panorama 6x6
et encore de nombreux autres modèles
Dernière édition par maxime le Mer 30 Avr, 08 16:04; édité 5 fois _________________ : : FP&CF : : & : : www : : & :: b l 0 g :: |
» maxime
Messages: 6274
Localisation: Paris |
» Deyss
Messages: 13652
» maxime
Messages: 6274
Localisation: Paris |
» maxime
Messages: 6274
Localisation: Paris |
» maxime
Messages: 6274
Localisation: Paris |
» maxime
Messages: 6274
Localisation: Paris |
» maxime
Messages: 6274
Localisation: Paris |
Mar 29 Avr, 08 23:20, |
The czak142p pinhole camera. A radius film plane camera with 142º coverage. ABS plastic construction. Yields 6, 5x12cm frames on a roll of 120 film.
A: accurate door peephole viewfinder.
B: film tensioner
C: trap door frame counter. advance to odd numbers.
D: panorama stage
camera completed July of '03. design and construction by m c pastur.
samples from this camera are tagged czak142p. |
_________________ : : FP&CF : : & : : www : : & :: b l 0 g :: |
» maxime
Messages: 6274
Localisation: Paris |
Mar 29 Avr, 08 23:28, |
Perky Pinhole
Not perky, strictly speaking, since it came from a drip coffee pot. But it *is* a working pinhole camera! (See shots here.)
Locals who want to play with pinholes too, come to our pinhole workshop Sunday the 28th, 11am, at my place. Flickrmail me your email address for more info. A couple of other pinhole nuts will be on hand to show their cameras and photos too. Access to a darkroom isn't necessary, though helpful for some designs (like this one).
The Observer calendar said something about us making pinholes out of boots and pumpkins--sorry, not quite! But with a challenge like that, I had to do *something*. |
_________________ : : FP&CF : : & : : www : : & :: b l 0 g :: |
» maxime
Messages: 6274
Localisation: Paris |
» Deyss
Messages: 13652
» Deyss
Messages: 13652
» maxime
Messages: 6274
Localisation: Paris |
» maxime
Messages: 6274
Localisation: Paris |
» maxime
Messages: 6274
Localisation: Paris |
» Digger
Messages: 4425
Localisation: Bretagne |
Mer 30 Avr, 08 0:38, |
Bonne idée Maxime. Il y a le sténopé d'Ignacio faut le tropuver dans les limbes du forum et comme j'ai fais la fête ce soir j'ai la flemme.  |
_________________ Ma galerie
Flickr |
» maxime
Messages: 6274
Localisation: Paris |
Messages: 7874
» pscl
Messages: 6442
Localisation: roscoff |
Mer 30 Avr, 08 10:32, |
Merci, un régal pour les yeux ce fil! |
» maxime
Messages: 6274
Localisation: Paris |
Mer 30 Avr, 08 10:39, |
John D. Photography
for Wisner 4x5 owners only
Official name: Hal MARK S 4x5" made by Casado Spain
If you want to do pinhole occasionally this is your chance to do it in style...
Custom made, beautiful wood and brass finish, brass shutter.
Focal length 65mm This is a one of a kind very sophisticated Pinhole Camera adapted to the Wisner back 4x5.
Complete with Wisner Graflok back (You can use all filmadapters including the bulky ones not fitting into the spring back.) |
_________________ : : FP&CF : : & : : www : : & :: b l 0 g :: |
» maxime
Messages: 6274
Localisation: Paris |
» vagabond
Messages: 762
Localisation: Paris |
Mer 30 Avr, 08 10:44, |
Y a ca aussi, celui-ci c est mon V2.0,
J adore le dernier des chameleon !! |
» vagabond
Messages: 762
Localisation: Paris |
Mer 30 Avr, 08 10:49, |
Top ce fil Maxime !
T as pas des photos de l interieur des pinhole ?
CHamaleon ils ont pas un site ? |
Messages: 7874
Mer 30 Avr, 08 10:52, |
Ce serait bien d'avoir le lien vers la sources de ces merveilles. |
» vagabond
Messages: 762
Localisation: Paris |
» maxime
Messages: 6274
Localisation: Paris |
Mer 30 Avr, 08 11:03, |
GIGI a écrit: Ce serait bien d'avoir le lien vers la sources de ces merveilles.
?? bah il y a un lien à chaque fois . |
_________________ : : FP&CF : : & : : www : : & :: b l 0 g :: |
Messages: 7874
Mer 30 Avr, 08 11:06, |
maxime a écrit: GIGI a écrit: Ce serait bien d'avoir le lien vers la sources de ces merveilles.
?? bah il y a un lien à chaque fois .
Mea culpa |
» maxime
Messages: 6274
Localisation: Paris |
Mer 30 Avr, 08 11:06, |
les infos :
About the camera
The camera offered here is an objet d'art, a handmade very wide-angle panoramic pinhole camera which takes standard medium format 120 roll film. The camera body was designed and crafted by the artist/ designer himself, while all fittings, except the bubble level were designed by the artist and handmade by various small workshops. From a collector's point of view, this camera belongs to a series of pinhole cameras "Chamäleon Panorama 6x6/2" with similar design but each with different look and feel. The camera-maker assigns running serial numbers to all his camera-artwork, regardless of design. Accordingly, this piece is considered a "Unikat" (one of a kind) and comes with the serial number #117 which is engraved on its tripod plate and once more inside the camera body.
The Wood
well known from valuable Qing Dynasty furniture the very strong and durable "chicken-wing wood" or Hühnerflügelholz was used to craft the body of this camera. The better the finish, the more the wood patterns resemble the deep iridescent shine of chicken or pheasant's feathers. Therefore it is also called 鸡翅木, pronounced jichimu. Teak wood was used for the camera interior. To allow the installation of double light traps, strong tripod plate and quality fixtures the walls have an average thickness of 10mm, which is rather solid. The center of the floor, in which the tripod socket is installed is approx. 20mm thick. The front of the turnable shutter disk is made of mahogani wood. The outside of the camera body is sculptured / contoured to allow more comfortable grip while holding it.
The Varnish
Inspired by historical european and oriental varnishing recipes, especially those used for making musical instruments, the artist has developed his own technique to combine the advantages of various methods, which are applied in a time-consuming process.
Traditional Chinese Tungoil and mineral powder (like pumice, which is applied as ground layer in violine making) have been used to seal and condition the wood of this camera, while alternate layers of tung oil and shellac were added to improve shine and luster of the wood. Tung oil comes from the seeds of the Tung oil tree (Aleurites fordii) which grows in the southern regions of China. It is considered to be one of the best wood-finishes because the oil penetrates the wood and polymerizes while drying. Traditionally it has been used to waterproof boats and to strengthen wood constructions and is a non-toxic finish. Almost forgotten shellac is another natural resin which cross-links perfectly with already dry tungoil layers.
The beautiful durable finish has been achieved by building up layer upon layer, which took several months to complete.
For maintenance under normal conditions, it is recommanded to apply silicon-free carnauba-based wax from time to time. Scratches can easily be repaired by applying some tungoil.
The stainless steel film winding knob, four film spool plates, tripod socket and shim-holder assembly were designed by the artist and custom-made in a small workshop. The dark red film window at the back of the camera has been cut from special filter glass. Two pinhole shims with laser drilled pinholes (size 240 µm) are serving as apertures to the two film compartments. A turnable disk shutter is used to expose film either in the upper or lower film compartment which covers a 6x6 cm frame (see illustration on the right). The correct shutter position can thus be sensed manually without looking at the camera. Small magnets let the shutter disk snap into the correct position.
Panoramic Image Format
a standard 120 type film accommodates 24 panoramic images, each of the 12 6x6 film frames is horizontally divided into two panoramic slices. Exposed negatives can easily be scanned with standard desktop scanners using the 6x6 filmholder. The panoramic format is very suitable for further digital processing and viewing. Images which are scanned with a 16:9 aspect ratio can be enjoyed on today's media players, wide-screen computers and HDTV sets - while the negatives are a safer medium for long-term preservation.
Pinhole Image Making
there are two approaches to determine the "correct" exposure time, either by measurement of the actual light or by the photographer's intention which is guided by experience. A robust exposure tolerance of today's films and rather long exposure times used in pinhole photography help beginners to get started.
Typically there is a significant light fall-off across pinhole images. Dark corners or vignetting are the result of 2-3 f-stop exposure difference within a photograph. The same happens in front of the camera, where the lighting conditions spread over several f-stops in a 100° view.
Taking the above into consideration, over-exposure can be avoided by composing the image in a way, where the brightest part of the scene is placed at edge of the image to cancel out some light fall-off, unless strong vignetting is intended.
For a start, the following steps are recommended:
1. choose a film with high exposure latitude, for example ILFORD FP4, Fuji Reala or Superia
2. for the beginning avoid taking photos against bright light
3. expose as follows with an ISO 100 film:
bright sunshine, seaside or snow
1-2 seconds
sunny day
3 seconds
partly cloudy sky
4-8 seconds
cloudy sky
6-12 seconds
late afternoon, very cloudy sky
8-30 seconds
sunset scene
15 seconds - 2 minutes
night scenes in a city
2 - 5 minutes
2 - 50 minutes
You will also get film exposure tables for your three favourite films for reference. After exposing a few films, best result will be achieved through experience !
How it works
The camera has two separate exposure compartments with two user exchangeable pinhole shims. To take photos, the shutter-disk has to be turned either up or down to expose the upper or lower section of the current film frame (see picture on the right). It is possible to have a pinhole shim in one compartment while a zone-plate is installed in the other one. This allows the use of different techniques for the same scene on the same film. In practice you would position the eye of the shutter-disk at 9 o' Clock when loading the film. To expose the upper half of the first frame, the shutter-disk is turned to 12 o'Clock, then to 3 o'Clock to stop exposure. After exposing the lower half of the frame at 6 o'Clock, the shutter-disk is positioned at 9 o'Clock again -.... time to wind the film to the next frame .... yes, there is no button to press, you turn the disk clock-wise with your index finger. Small build-in magnets help to "click it" into the desired position. When taking the camera out of it's bag, the position of the shutter tells you where to continue .....
With a wide angle of view of about 100° it is easy to imagine that the whole scene in front of your eyes will fit on the film. For that reason, the camera has no view-finder.
Pinholes or Zone Plates
Two absolutely round laser drilled pinholes are included. With the help of a coin the shim holder can be opened and closed to allow easy exchange of pinholes. Alternatively zone plates or slit plates with a maximum diameter of 20mm (not included in this auction) may be installed to allow pinhole and zone plate imaging on the same film. To achieve a more extreme angle of view the focal length can be reduced by placing a washer in front of the pinhole shim.
Test Films and sample photographs
Upon completion of the camera a test film was exposed to ensure that the results are up to expectations. If you would like to see more panoramic sample photos made with this and other cameras please look at member chamaeleon618 in flickr or search there for tags: chamaeleon panorama to view images taken with this camera specifically. Also, if you want to ask the camera maker some questions directly.
_________________ : : FP&CF : : & : : www : : & :: b l 0 g :: |
» Ignacio
Messages: 2914
Localisation: Argentina |
Mer 30 Avr, 08 13:05, |
On m'appelle... je suis là
Mais tout ça me fait penser qu'il faut absolument que je fasse des photos décentes de mes appareils
Les post sont là :
- Sténopé 135
- Sténopé 120
Et les appareils sont là :
Plus de photos sur mon Flickr
Les appareils Chamaeleon sont U$650 !
et le Coffee Pot
EDIT : Des nouvelles photos  |
Dernière édition par Ignacio le Mar 20 Mai, 08 13:33; édité 1 fois _________________ ¡Desconecten el misteriómetro, che!
Galerie * Flickr ! |
» maxime
Messages: 6274
Localisation: Paris |
Mer 30 Avr, 08 15:46, |
The Noon Pinhole
Noon Pinhole 4x5
The Noon Pinhole cameras are handmade in Poland from Jatobá (Hymenaea courbaril), also known as Brazilian cherry, a tree common to the Caribbean, Central, and South America and Brazil. Fitted with a 0.3mm laser drilled pinhole individually microscopically examined for roundness, the focal length is 50mm corresponding to a f number of about f/152. Image capture angle is 116 degrees. The camera accepts a standard Double Dark Slide in a rather unusually ingenious way: instead of a conventional slot, the DDS is placed in the back of the camera and held in position by a ribbed wooden dowel which slides down angled guides – push the dowel down firmly to hold the DDS against the light trap. Simple and effective.
et sur la même page :
Tortuga 5 Pinhole Camera
The Tortuga 5 pinhole camera is simply an amazing piece of engineering. The body is described by a polygon of 10 faces, allowing the placement of 5 pinholes, one on every other face. These pinhole openings produce 5 slightly overlapping images on a 120 rollfilm, the images being projected onto the film which is mounted centrally in the camera. With this arrangement, a coverage of 242° is possible.
Each pinhole has its own shutter mechanism so that any one of them can be operated at any one time, or all of the pinholes can be exposed simultaneously. There is a frame counter and a very useful slide rule type exposure calculator that allows the translation of light readings from a conventional meter to be transposed to the time required for the f /256 aperture of the pinholes.
The body of the camera is made from hard European plum wood and all the fittings are made from polished brass. The finish is to an extremely high standard and this highly unusual piece is sure to become a classic for the photographer and collector alike.
The Tortuga 5 is delivered complete and comes with full instructions on CD-ROM. As each camera is finished individually to order, please allow 3 weeks for delivery. |
_________________ : : FP&CF : : & : : www : : & :: b l 0 g :: |